

Cougars C.A.R.E logo - A heritage green cougars paw print with the word Cougars in stylized forest green font across the pad of the paw. The C.A.R.“美洲狮”这个词的首字母缩略词就在笔记本底部的上方,用白色字体写着, except the A which is an uppercase abstract A in Mint Green composed of a smaller leg representing Augusta Technical College supporting the larger leg representing the Augusta Community and economy. 奥古斯塔理工学院致力于为我们的学生和员工提供一个安全和支持性的学习环境. 确保校园和场地的持续安全, Augusta Tech has designated a team of specially trained staff to respond to concerns about mental health or dangerous behaviors. This team, called CougarsCARE, coordinates a variety of resources for students, faculty and staff in need of assistance, including those with mental health issues, dangerous or distressing behaviors, relationship problems, substance use and addiction, and other concerns.

Anyone in the Augusta Tech community who observes an emergency or behavior that is dangerous or severe should contact Augusta Tech Police at 706-771-4021 immediately.

Dangerous or severe behavior includes any incident where a person is demonstrating an imminent threat to self, 例如,自杀威胁或自杀企图, or a direct threat to others including actions or remarks about actual or planned physical violence or harm, sexual assault, or property vandalism.

Faculty, staff, 以及那些担心自己行为令人不安的学生, 扰乱或困扰,但不构成迫在眉睫的危险应完成一个 CougarsCARE Incident Report Form. 一旦收到报告,CougarsCARE团队将制定适当的响应计划. 响应将基于行为的性质, the severity of the risk, and the needs of the student.

Frequently Asked Questions


Submit your concerns here.